Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Slacker Me

I started posting to this blog with good intentions of keeping up on it, damnit! Then my sister talked me into starting a MySpace page and it all went to hell. I guess MySpace is alright, if you can get past the terrible html abuses, frenetic banner advertisements and the overabundance of teen angst. :-/

Anyway, that's kinda what I've been up to. Reconnected with about a dozen old friends who I thought had pretty much fallen off the face of the earth. Woot woot!

Been doing a lot of photography, of course, which should be evident from the Flickr widget in the sidebar. The grapes are ripe now, and a drive out into the county is wonderfully thick with the smell of them.

I was out at one of the Sul Farms locations in Harborcreek this evening, shooting. I had a momentary bit of dismay when I arrived, because I saw one of the rows of white grapes first, and they'd already been harvested. Fortunately, the Concords are still on the vines, beautifully ripe and very photogenic.

Sweet Shrouded Concord

1 comment:

ron said...

facebook is much better than myspace. much cleaner interface