Thursday, July 26, 2007

Ping! My BS detector goes off on Hani A. Alkanani's "$900k Worth of Pot" Bust

So here's the news story from Cleveland's Journal Register, which Dennis mentioned in the ErieBlog's headlines page for 7/26:

Turnpike bust nets nearly $1 million in high-end pot
ALEX M. PARKER, Morning Journal Writer

AMHERST -- The Ohio State Highway Patrol arrested a Pennsylvania man Tuesday on the Ohio Turnpike in Amherst for having nearly $1 million worth of marijuana in his car.

Hani A. Alkanani, 36, of Erie, Pa., was arrested after a trooper found 20 pounds of ''BC Bud marijuana,'' worth $900,000, in his Buick Century, according to the Highway Patrol.

The trooper searched his car using a drug-sniffing dog after he pulled Alkanani over near Amherst for speeding, according to the Highway Patrol.

After finding nearly 20 pounds of the marijuana, a potent form grown in Canada, Alkanani was arrested for possession of marijuana, a third-degree felony, the Highway Patrol said.

He is currently being held at the Lorain County Jail on a $10,000 bond.

He was arraigned yesterday in Oberlin Municipal Court and was assigned an attorney.

Ok, kids, get out your calculators for a lesson in the politics of Prohibition.

We start with 20 pounds of weed which is, admittedly, an awful lot of ganja.

But $900,000 dollars worth??? Total bullshit.

According to precedent in federal court (I think I read this on Erowid or NORML but don't quote me), the container weight of an illegal substance can be (read IS) factored into its overall weight for purposes of prosecution. That means if all the weed were in a plastic tote or a couple of canvas duffel bags, the weight of the container(s) would be considered part of the weight of the grass. Just for the sake of argument, though, let's say that the container weight doesn't subtract somewhere between 1-5 pounds and there really are 20 pounds of pot there.

20 lbs = 320 ounces

$900,000 / 320 oz = $2812.50/oz

That would price 1/8 oz baggies of this gold-plated sensi at a whopping $350 apiece. News flash for ya -- unless you're selling $50 joints to an undercover cop one at a time, IT AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN. Really, really expensive weed might cost you half to a third of that, if you were getting royally screwed in the pooper. Don't believe me? Check out the prices quoted on the White House's drug policy site. The data's a little stale -- 2001 -- but it's still a reality check.

At this point, you may be scratching your head a little. So again for the sake of argument, let's assume that since 2001 the price of BC Bud quoted on the ODCP site for Denver has doubled since 2001 from $500/oz to $1000/oz. That gives our 20 lb of grass a street value of, um, $320,000. Not exactly the "almost a million dollars worth of marijuana" we were talking about a minute ago, is it?

Let's face it, nobody's going to even question these numbers in public, except maybe Mr. Alkanani's publically-appointed defense attorney. They'll be used to lock up a guy driving a 1979 Buick Century (sounds like a real kingpin, huh?) for most of the rest of his life, spawn some job promotions and re-elections, and justify dumping even more money into the money pit known as the Drug War. And tomorrow your kid will still be able to pick up a dime bag on the lower East side just like he could yesterday -- supply unaffected, demand unaffected. Business as usual.

Compromising Pics of my 19 Year Old Ex-Girlfriend

Just kidding -- but now that I've got your blood pumping, please stop by the Erie Community Blood Bank and donate this week. Tell em I sent ya, or not, but please DO go donate. Check out for more details.

And for the record, if I ever get around to scanning the negatives, I'll consider it...


Friday, July 06, 2007

The Burning Discharge I Experienced the Other Night

Or, pics from Boom on the Bay.

As far as flaming discharges go, I'd have to say that it was more pleasant than the aftermath of an order of the Atomic Wings from Quaker Steak & Lube, but less pleasant than New Years' Eve at Disney World (or one of those hedonistic, young lust, only-get-out-of-bed-to-pee-or-raid-the-fridge weekends from my college days, for that matter). Definitely below par from what I've seen around either Mercyhurst or Lawrence Park in previous years.

On the off-chance that anyone with some degree of influence on the fireworks planning should happen to read this -- I'd suggest that next time around you launch from more than one barge, spread out a little. It'll look a lot nicer.

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Was the Sky this Weekend Incredible, or What?

I drove down to Cook's Forest on Saturday afternoon, but the pictures I got during the drive itself were better than any of the ones I took at my destination.

Stay Away
'Stay Away' -- Abandoned House in Fryburg

Field and Clouds
'Field and Clouds' -- Meadow in Fryburg

Knee-High by the 4th of July
'Knee High by the 4th of July' -- Fryburg Cornfield in HDR

Red Chimney, Faulty Tower
'Red Chimney, Faulty Tower' -- Fryburg

I've got to start doing a better job of writing down where I take pictures -- I always think that I'll remember, but afterwards I don't. The ones above were taken in and around Fryburg, but the ones below here were shot further north and I can't remember for the life of me if they were north or south of Union City...

Country Road
'Country Road' -- Somewhere along PA Route 8

Clouds & Thistles
'Clouds & Thistles' -- About 10 feet away from the shot posted above it

I did get a few good shots in Cook's Forest:

Another Funky Shroom
'Another Funky Shroom' -- Cook's Forest State Park

Orton Foxglove Flowers
'Orton Foxglove Flowers' -- Cook's Forest State Park

I got a few more half-decent shots from the park that just need a little post-processing. I've just had this terrible sinus headache since yesterday (thank the same weather that gave us those clouds) and not feeling quite up to it at the moment.

Oh, and on the way home I hit the Golden Hour as I was driving through Venango, so I had to stop and get a few shots there:

Red Trim
'Red Trim' -- Route 89 in Venango

3 Silos
'3 Silos' - Route 89 in Venango

I got back into Erie at about 9 pm, so I stopped at Waldameer for some shots of the rides. I'm going to save those for another post, though.