Saturday, May 26, 2007

Bees, Blossoms and a Bit of Apiphobia Therapy on the Sly

My four year-old daughter, Em, has developed a bit of a fear of insects (especially bumblebees) and spiders. I'm trying not to make too big of a deal out of it, but still try to give her a little bit of exposure to them in a way that's not threatening to her.

Today she watched me outside while I was taking some pictures of the rhododendron, which just started blossoming over the past few days. I asked her to tell me whenever she saw a bee, so that I could take a picture of it. She had fun running all around it and shrieking "a bee, daddy, a bee!", and I actually got a couple of half-decent shots with bees in them. I thought bumblebees moved pretty slowly, but I guess slow is relative when you're trying to do a close-up shot (I wouldn't say 'macro' because I wasn't using a macro lens) on manual focus. This wasn't one of the bumblebees, but I thought it was pretty cool.


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