Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Random Bits - StatCounter, Stop-Motion & My Estranged Wife

Statcounter: I do love da StatCounter -- especially the keyword analysis function. The post I did about zombie-proofing the house the other day seems to have fallen into one of those weird little niches -- on the first page of results for something that a couple of people Google up every day. My old blog still gets hits on the phrase "synthetic thc recipe" as regular as sunset, and about 3-4 variations of "hippie non-conformist" just about every day. I also did a 'separated at birth' comparing Monty Burns to Condi Rice, and it's apparently a big hit overseas -- I get hits from all over the EU in waves. (Incidentally, if anyone has a synthetic THC recipe, I'd be more than happy to post it.)

Today was nice and sunny, but I was stuck in the $%@ing office all day. I did, though, take a few minutes at lunchtime to snap a couple of 1/4000 second exposures of the fountain in the courtyard at work. I'll put them up on Flickr later.

My Estranged Wife (irony finger): Irony finger because we get along just fine, both at work and outside the office -- but it's finally hit the rumor mill at work in the past few weeks that we've separated and my wife's now taking the brunt of the wild speculation. People suck - especially the kind that never let the truth get in the way of a good story.

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